NaPoWriMo Day #30: Let it be Said

For the last day of NaPoWriMo, a type of farewell poem. I write this poem with my brother in mind, hoping, praying, and trusting that I won’t have to say goodbye to him for a while yet. Thank you, everyone who stopped to read my blog, commented, and became followers. Thirty days of poems has been a real adventure!  Debbie 🙂

Let it be said that…

We ran and played with the dog,
We splashed in the puddles,
We rode our bicycles in the rain.

Let it be said that…todd, debbie, and lisa in green chair

We went swimming in the Summer,
We ate brightly colored popsicles and
Chilly ice cream cones that melted and dribbled onto our fingers,
We got sticky and dirty and then cleaned up again.

Let it be said that…

We made snowmen in the winter,
We drank cocoa and ate buttered toast and
Dunked Oreos in our milk and got milk mustaches,
We fought and cried and made up again.

Let it be said that…

We rode in the car together while you drove and I screamed while you
Spun doughnuts in the parking lot,
We were in an accident but came out of it without a scratch,
We survived growing up together.

Let it be said that…

We said mean things to each other but didn’t mean them,
We said ‘sorry’ and forgave each other,
We argued over stupid stuff, even when you were in a hospital bed with your head shaved and full of stitches,
We are brother and sister, but we’ve become friends.

Let it be said that…

If you go to Heaven first you will watch for me,
You will look for me while you are driving your car,
Or riding a bike, or sailing a ship,
And you will wave to me and call ‘hello’ to your sister
When I come to find you. ♥

©Deborah Goschy, April 2014

Author: debbiewritesstuff

I am a wife and mom of two grown kids in Minnesota. I am a published, contest-winning poet, a graphic artist/designer, an avid reader, an amateur photographer, and an enthusiastic participant in community theater.

11 thoughts on “NaPoWriMo Day #30: Let it be Said”

    1. I haven’t talked to him about it. I don’t want it to seem like I’m planning for his funeral and the last few days have been too heavy and serious–and I’m usually pretty good about heavy and serious.


      1. I can see where you’re coming from. If the moment feels right at some point though I think he’d really enjoy it – or maybe you can write a slight edit for him? x


      2. Maybe. He used to be really mean to me then he examined his life and decided to change his ways. We get along well now, but the last few days I’ve been feeling down, kind of scattered, unsure about a lot of things and I haven’t felt like sharing. It’s on my FB page but he generally doesn’t read poetry. I don’t need to show it to him right now. In time…


      3. AH, I’d read the situation quite differently, I assume he was battling cancer or some such and that the two of you were close!


      4. Todd has been battling Sinonasal Carcinoma, Undifferentiated for four years. He and I are 20 months apart in age. We ARE close. For years we fought like a cat and a dog. In our childhood he said things that were really callous and unfeeling. When he started looking death in the face he reevaluated and made changes. He thought about the way he had acted and how his actions had hurt me. We love each other, we call and visit and end with ‘I love you.’ Still, I’m not ready to share this poem with him. Not this week, when I”m trying so hard to bring my mood back up. He knows how I feel. He knows I love him. In time I will make him aware of this poem if I have to.


      5. This sounds complicated… I think it’s a beautiful poem and if the time is ever right to share it then I hope he enjoys it but you are right to be aware and careful about your own fragility at difficult times. Sending love x


  1. Debbie, Todd will like this and I have posted on my page, it is written with love for her brother. It is touching and really got me in my heart. I am sorry Todd and I don’t get to see you more often. I really would like for you to come up and see us soon. Love Robin. PS-as you notice I have a wordpress page also, tried a couple years ago but caringbridge seemed to work as well and more people had that link. Give me a call anytime. We miss seeing you.
    Robin and Todd


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